Im Oktober hatte ich einen Love Shoot in London verlost. Die originellste Idee sollte gewinnen. Und die kam von Saabi:
Da ihr Freund einige hundert Kilometer entfernt von London entfernt wohnt und arbeitet und sie sich nur selten sehen, schlug sie einen Sehnsuchts-Love-Shoot vor.
Als wir uns morgens um neun an der U-Bahn-Station Notting Hill zum ersten Mal sahen, konnte ich mein Glück kaum fassen: Eine tolle hübsche stylische fröhliche Frau wartete da auf mich 🙂 ! War sofort klar, dass das ein tolles Shooting werden würde.
Und hier ist sie: Saabi unterwegs in London bei ihren Lieblingsbeschäftigungen: Telefonierend mit ihrem Liebsten, über den Markt schlendernd, in Designbüchern blätternd, „Ich vermiss Dich-Briefe“ schreibend.
Danke, Saabi, Du bist klasse!
Ihr möchtet auch ein Shooting gewinnen?
Im Frühjahr plane ich wieder einen Städtetripp in eine europäische Stadt. Und werde wieder ein Shooting verlosen. Die Stadt steht noch nicht fest. Welche Stadt wünscht Ihr Euch? Schickt mir schnell Eure Ideen. 🙂
Please see below the pictures for English version
In October I gave away a Love Shoot in London. The most original idea would be the winner and Saabi submitted this brilliant new angle: her boyfriend lives and works several hundred kilometres away from London, so they don’t see each other very often – her suggestion: a
I miss you dearly – Love Shoot.
When I met Saabi for the first time at the Notting Hill Station, I could not believe my luck: a stunningly beautiful, charming woman with a sense of style awaited me. 🙂 !
This was going to be an amazing shoot!
And here she is: Saabi out and about in London, doing her favourite things: speaking to her beloved on the phone, roaming a market, checking out design literature and, of course, writing love letters.
Thank you, Saabi, you are awesome!
Would you like to enter to win a shooting? I am planning to take another trip to a European destination – which one is still open. Would you like to help me decide?
Quickly let me know your ideas – and then enter the sweepstake! J
Ende Mai/ Anfang Juni 2013
Lieben Gruß
Thank you so much for this amazing experience!
There’s this German saying ‚Unverhofft kommt oft‘ and it absolutely applies to our photo-shooting in London.
While friends of mine wanted you as their wedding photographer but kept you as a friend on facebook when they realised that you were already booked out, they contacted me immediately when they saw that you had advertised a spontanious love shoot in London.
Two e-mails back and forth and the ball got rolling. We met in Notting Hill two mornings later…And it felt super relaxed and comfortable from the start.
The idea was to make an ‚I-miss-you-shoot‘ for my partner who workes outside of London and I therefor only get to see him on weekends. We talked about a few ideas in our e-mails but the rest happened while we were walking down the lovely streets of Notting Hill.
Kathrin – you were amazing and the pictures are marvelous! Thank you SO much. I can’t wait to see my partner’s face when he gets to see them. It’s his Christmas present.
<3 saaabi